Application #10: GB-14 Copy


Point Name: 陽白 (yáng bái) “Yang White”

Meridian: Gall Bladder

Element: Wood

Polarity: Yang

Peak Time: 11PM to 1AM

On the forehead, 1 cun directly above the middle or midpoint of the eyebrow, On a line directly above the pupil of the eye, in the depression on the superciliary arch.

Local Anatomy: 1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow on a line directly above the pupil of the eye in the depression on the superciliary arch.

Vasculature: The lateral branches of the frontal artery and vein.

Innervation: The lateral branch of the frontal nerve.

Martial Arts Usage
  • 108 Vital Point
  • Disrupt Energy
  • Fight Ender
  • Knockouts
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
  • Intersection Point of the Liver Meridian
  • Intersection Point of the Yang Linking Vessel
  • Origin Point
Attack Method: Subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 inch. Transverse insertion, pointed downward, may join to (M-HN-6) Yuyao. For facial paralysis the needle may be pointed left or right, joining with (BL-2) Zanzhu or (TB-23) Sizhukong 1 – 1.5 inch. Angle is 15°.

Struck perpendicular, neck injury may occur. Struck in an upwards fashion can cause energy to rise into the head. Knockout may result when struck downwards draining energy from the head.