Application #20: LV-12 Copy


Point Name: 急脈 (jí mài) “Swift Pulse”

Meridian: Liver

Element: Wood

Polarity: Yin

Peak Time: 1AM to 3AM

Inferior and lateral “below” to the pubic spine, 2.5 cun lateral to the Conception Vessel (Ren Meridian,) at the inguinal groove lateral and inferior to Qichong (ST-30).

Local Anatomy: Inferior and lateral to the pubic symphysis, 2.5 cun lateral to the CV meridian, at the inguinal groove lateral and inferior to ST-30.

Vasculature: The branches of the external pudendal artery and vein, the pubic branches of the inferior epigastric artery and vein; laterally, the femoral vein.

Innervation: The ilioinguinal nerve; deeper, in the inferior aspect, the anterior branch of the obturator nerve.

Martial Arts Usage
  • Dangerous
  • Disrupt Energy
  • Fight Ender
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
  • Forbidden Point
Attack Method: Moxibustion can be applied. Straight insertion 1 – 1.5 inch. Caution Avoid the Artery. Angle is 90°.

Struck hard enough, this point can be lethal. A light to medium strike may cause the genitals to bleed. Internal physical injury may be caused to the tendons and muscles in this area.

This point also has an effect upon the tantien, causing the energy flow to the whole body to become erratic. GB-24 is often struck in unison with this point for a devastating effect.