Location Directly below the nipple, in the sixth intercostal space. Let the patient lie on their back while locating this point.
Local Anatomy: On the mamillary line, two ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space. This point is 6 cun above the navel and 3.5 cun lateral to GV-14, near the medial end of the 6th intercostal space in the internal and external oblique muscles and the aponeurosis of the transverse abdominal muscle.
Vasculature: The sixth intercostal artery and vein.
Innervation: The sixth intercostal nerve.
Martial Arts Usage
108 Vital Point
Disrupt Energy
Fight Ender
Joint Manipulation
Organ Striking
Sealing the Blood
Sealing the Breath
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
Alarm Point of the LV
Exit Point
Intersection Point of the Liver Meridian
Intersection Point of the Spleen Meridian
Intersection Point of the Yin Linking Vessel
Meeting of the Liver with the Liver Divergent Meridian
Meeting of the Liver with the Gall Bladder Divergent Meridian
Origin Point
Shokanten Point of the Absolute Yin: Pericardium & Liver
Trigger Point of the Intercostals muscle
Attack Method: Obliquely 0.3 – 0.5 inch. Angle is 45°.
Description This point may cause mental problems and heart problems. It can even cause cardiac arrest! It can also cause the lungs to collapse, resulting in respiratory arrest!
The liver may also be made to stop functioning as a result of a hard strike. Even a light strike here will cause damage.
Knock out may occur immediately due to great energy drainage, even stopping the Qi temporarily. This point is one of the delayed death touch points.
Point Name: 日月 (rì yuè) “Sun and Moon”
Meridian: Gall Bladder
Element: Wood
Polarity: Yang
Peak Time: 11PM to 1AM
Location one rib below Qimen (LV-14) directly below the nipple, in the seventh intercostal space.
Local Anatomy: Inferior to the nipple, between the cartilage of the 7th and 8th ribs, one rib below LV-14.
Vasculature: The seventh intercostal artery and vein.
Innervation: The seventh intercostal nerve.
Martial Arts Usage
36 Vital Point
108 Vital Point
Fight Ender
Joint Manipulation
Organ Striking
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
Alarm Point of the GB
Intersection Point of the Spleen Meridian
Meeting of the Gall Bladder with the Liver Divergent Meridian
Meeting of the Gall Bladder with the Gall Bladder Divergent Meridian
Origin Point
Trigger Point of the External oblique and intercostals muscle