Application #35: LI-10 & LI-11 Copy


Point Name: 手三里 (shǒu sān lǐ) “Arm Three Miles”

Meridian: Large Intestine

Element: Metal

Polarity: Yang

Peak Time: 5AM to 7AM

The point is on the line joining Yangxi (LI-5) and Quchi (LI-11) 2 cun below Quchi (LI-11).

Local Anatomy: Located 2″ below LI-11 on the line drawn from LI-5.

Vasculature: The branches of the radial recurrent artery and vein.

Innervation: See Wenliu (LI-7). The posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the deep ramus of the radial nerve.

Martial Arts Usage
  • 36 Vital Point
  • 108 Vital Point
  • Fight Ender
  • Immobilization
  • Joint Manipulation
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
  • Trigger Point of the Brachioradialis muscle
Attack Method: Perpendicularly 0.8 -1.2 inch. Angle is 45°.

This point can cause temporary paralysis of the arm. If struck harder, it may cause immediate diarrhea.

Striking this point towards the hand causes the head to come towards you, exposing the neck and head to the next attack. It is often coupled with LI-18 strikes.


Point Name: 曲池 (qū chí) “Pool at the Crook”

Meridian: Large Intestine

Element: Metal

Polarity: Yang

Peak Time: 5AM to 7AM

With the elbow flexed, the point is in the depression at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, midway between Chize (LU-5) and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Between the end of the cubital crease and the epicondylus laterali of the humerus, forming a 90 degree angle to locate the point.

Local Anatomy: When the elbow is flexed the point is in the depression at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, midway between LU-5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Vasculature: The branches of the radial recurrent artery and vein.

Innervation: The posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve; deeper, on the medial side, the radial nerve.

Martial Arts Usage
  • 108 Vital Point
  • Fight Ender
  • Immobilization
  • Joint Manipulation
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
  • Combining Point of the LI
  • Earth Point
  • Root Point of the LI
  • Sea Point
  • Tonification Point
  • Trigger Point of the Supinators muscle
  • Uniting-He Point of the LI
Attack Method: Perpendicularly 1.0 – 1.5 inch. Angle is 90°.

This is a tonification and Earth point. Struck with medium power, it can cause temporary paralysis of the arm. Harder strikes may cause vomiting and diarrhea.

It is comparable in effect to LI-10.