Application #39: LU-7 & LU-8 Copy


Point Name: 列缺 (liè quē) “Broken Sequence”

Meridian: Lung

Element: Metal

Polarity: Yin

Peak Time: 3AM to 5AM

Superior to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist. When the index fingers and thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index fingers of one hand placed on the styloid process of the radius of the other, the point is in the depression right under the tip of the index finger.

Local Anatomy: Superior to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression. When the index fingers and the thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index finger of one hand placed on the styloid process of the radius of the other, the point is in the depression under the tip of the index finger. Between the tendons of the brachioradialis and the abductor pollicis longus muscles.

Vasculature: The cephalic vein, branches of the radial artery and vein.

Innervation: The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the superficial ramus of the radial nerve.

Martial Arts Usage
  • 108 Vital Point
  • Disrupt Energy
  • Fight Ender
  • Joint Manipulation
  • Pain Compliance
  • Sealing the Breath
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
  • Command Point of the Head & Back of Neck
  • Confluent Point of the CV
  • Connecting Point of the LI
  • Coupled Extraordinary Point of the LU
  • Exit Point
  • Master Point of the LU
Attack Method: Perpendicularly 0.5 – 1.0 inch. Angle is 45°.

This point can cause a lot of localized pain and can drain Qi quickly. Even heavy finger pressure here as is the case of a lock, will cause great pain.

A strike here will unbalance the balance of Yin and Yang between the lung and large intestine.


Point Name: 經渠 (jīng qú) “Channel Gutter”

Meridian: Lung

Element: Metal

Polarity: Yin

Peak Time: 3AM to 5AM

1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, or 1 cun above Taiyuan (LU-9), in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery, or the medial margin of the radius.

Local Anatomy: One cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the radial side of the radial artery. Innervation: The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the superficial ramus of the radial nerve.

Vasculature: Laterally, the radial artery and vein.

Innervation: The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the superficial ramus of the radial nerve.

Martial Arts Usage
  • 36 Vital Point
  • 108 Vital Point
  • Disrupt Energy
  • Knockouts
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classes
  • Horary Point
  • Metal Point
  • River Point
Attack Method: Perpendicularly 0.1 – 0.3 inch. Avoid puncturing the radial artery. Slanted insertion 0.5 – 0.7 inch. Angle is 45°.

This point can cause the Qi to drain rapidly. LU-8 used by itself has been known to cause knock out when stimulated too much.

This is a Metal, Jing, and horary point of the channel and as such when struck will cause the Qi to be disrupted in the channel when it is supposed to be active during the 24-hour cycle. This Qi imbalance may get worse as each day passes. Sleep will be affected greatly especially between the hours of 3 am and 5 am with the need to urinate because the bladder meridian is at the opposite side of the horary cycle and as such will have the least amount of Qi available to it at this time.